Walkaway Joe (2020)
The adults are some of the best character actors on the planet. So let's let this film rest on the shoulders of some kid who can't act.
3 January 2021
Is this kid the son of some producer or something? This film could have been something halfway decent. It isn't. I knew in the first 15 minutes this kid wasn't right for this role. He's young, and might still have a future in front of him but this was too meaty a role to rest on the shoulders of someone so inexperienced and so obviously not up to the task. He looks and sounds like someone from the Hudson Valley but I'm supposed to buy that this kid is from Louisiana? It's a good enough story, standard run of the mill father/son/mentor picture and I really like these kinds of films, but it's bogged down by a poor lead performance. I don't regret watching it as I'm a huge Morgan/Strathairn fan. Emery is a good actress as well. It's not a bad story, just something that's been done a million times before, and better. Could have benefitted from a better lead.
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