A Christmas Movie Christmas (2019 TV Movie)
An interesting movie Christmas
12 January 2021
The concept for 'A Christmas Movie Christmas' immediately grabbed the attention, one of the best and most interesting concepts for any Christmas film seen recently and ever. Have not seen a concept like this in anything to do with Christmas, and while there was the worry that the execution would go too over the top part of me actually thought this could be a very well done film if done well and if the idea was not wasted.

Luckily the concept was not wasted and on the most part 'A Christmas Movie Christmas' executes it well. It is not a perfect or quite great film, and more subtlety and depth would have been more welcome. For a film that contains all the things often criticised in Christmas films from especially Hallmark and Lifetime and pokes fun at them in a satirical way, 'A Christmas Movie Christmas' was a lot of fun and those involved clearly put a good deal of effort making the most out of the concept.

'A Christmas Movie Christmas' is not perfect. There are times where there was a bit too much of a try too hard feel, even for the concept, with some of the satire being on the forced side and in need of more sharpness. Absolutely none of the actors can be accused of not trying, but will agree that a few actors go a little too far with their roles, exaggerating the character flaws too much that they become annoying. Ryan Merriman and Lana Mckassick being the worst offenders.

Would have liked more depth to some of the secondary characters, a case of them being present and correct but not done enough with. The final act also felt too convenient and compared to the rest of the film it loses energy and takes itself too seriously.

However, 'A Christmas Movie Christmas' looks nice, especially the suitably picturesque location work and the photography is never too drab or garish. The music doesn't come over as too intrusive or over-bearing, though there were times where it could have been used less. It is directed in a lively fashion, it didn't feel draggy and the interaction didn't seem too stiff. On the most part, the acting is better than average with nobody looking as if they were phoning in. And while there is some over-compensating there are charming performances from Brant Daugherty and Kimberly Daugherty, they have fun but didn't overact too much to me, and Brigid Duffy is a scene stealer.

Furthermore, while the script is not always sharp enough and has moments where it is forced much of it is highly amusing and smart. It also didn't seem as cheesy or as sappy, or at least it didn't go too far on them, as other Christmas films. Although the story is admittedly very predictable and has a lot of cliches, both deliberate choices with both being two things that the film is poking fun at, it for the first two acts is full of energy and charm.

Concluding, didn't wow me but entertaining enough for what it was. Just not something to take too seriously. 6/10
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