Heightened reality
17 January 2021
Rock star Ozzy Osbourne has certainly lived an interesting life. Born in Birmingham, he's the man who bit the head off a live bat on stage, and latterly the star of a massively popular reality TV show. You could say he's the closest thing to 'Spinal Tap' in the real world. A documentary about him could hardly be dull, and this one isn't, but it's not that insightful either. Why did Ozzy become an addict? How did his music relate to that of his peers? What actually induced him to make a reality TV programme? You don't really get a feeling for any of the answers, instead he comes across almost like the old man in the pub, claiming extraordinary stories ("yeah, I did that!") that no-one quite believes. The overall effect is of a highlights (and lowlights) package of his life; but a more critical evaluation might have been more interesting.
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