Star Trek: Borg (1996 Video Game)
Netflix should add Borg to their interactive titles. A must watch for any Star Trek fan!!
1 April 2021
Prior to Black Mirror: Bandersnatch there was Star Trek: Borg, the best interactive movie. Besides low quality CD-Rom it was released as DVD too. Sort of. It was supposed to be released as first ever interactive DVD movie in Japan in 2000, but was put on indefinite hold. Luckily, a few copies found their way to the public and can be occasionally found on eBay (I found my copy in BooksOff in Japan).

The DVD experience is quite different - it feels like a movie rather than a game (especially since the picture quality is a huge improvement over DVD-Rom version). As such would be a perfect addition to Netflix' interactive titles.

I recently re-watched/re-played the whole movie on DVD and it was still great after all those years. It feels and looks like a lost ST: The Next Generation episode, as it was filmed on original Star Trek sets using actual props and costumes. John de Lancie is in his funniest role of Q ever and the only time for Q to appear as a Borg. He's the best in this episode in my opinion. If you can get it on DVD and you're a Trekkie, this is a must have.
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