One of the under rated films of the last decade
2 April 2021
Warning: Spoilers
I think when this film came out everybody was expecting and hoping for another Wedding Crashers. This film wasn't well reviewed by critics and it wasn't well received by an audience. It opened softly and finished softly. People seemed to be angry over the fact that it was about working at a real company, Google. Others seem to lament the fact that it wasn't a laugh out loud comedy like Wedding Crashers.

But I think as the years have gone by and people have had a chance to revisit this film perhaps more people see it the way I saw it when it first came out. To me there were sporadic moments of hilarity but more importantly it was a film that I think transcends generations. For people in their 40s like me who aren't technology wizards, I could relate to both Vince Vaughn and Owen Wilson. And for the younger generation that might know everything about Chrome and Gmail and Excel and so on the film also spoke to them about the trials and tribulations and difficulties of finding your way in the world. Vince Vaughn was one of the writers and I think he perfectly captures a snapshot into the hopes and fears of both generations and at the same time understands that hard work still does pay off.

Maybe a lot of people won't find this film hilarious but I'm not one of those people. I actually enjoyed this film for the dichotomy that is presented to us. I loved the pop culture references that the young kids seem to come up with every different scene and I loved that Owen Wilson and Vince Vaughn's characters were relied upon for life experience and for their sales experience.

I also absolutely loved the cast. Of course you have Vince Vaughn and Owen Wilson but then you add in Rose Byrne, basically a cameo appearance by a mostly silent Josh Gad and then a bunch of young and upcoming actors led by Dylan O'Brien , Tiya Sircar and Tobit Raphael. But perhaps my favorite character in the movie was Mr Chetty who was played by Asif Mandvi. There was a lot of honesty in the examination of these characters but there was also a lot of hilarity.

I think my favorite scene in the film is when Nick played by Owen Wilson and Dana played by Rose Byrne finally go on a date and she tells him that she needs him to be a typical bad date that she's experienced over the last 10 years. And then in mocking fashion he completely belittles her and makes fun of her while at dinner telling her that she's not allowed to eat what she's eating because she's getting fat and that she has to pay the bill and so on and so on. It was such an honest way of flirting with one another and it was beautifully written and beautifully acted by both Rose and Owen.

The Internship is one of my favorite movies of the last decade. There's not a lot of grandiose moments but there's more quiet introspective observations and a lot of '80s references and a myriad of other pop culture mentions. From Flashdance to Harry Potter to the X-Men and so much more in between this film really covers the gauntlet of Pop culture.

I would highly recommend this movie to anybody who avoided it because they thought it was an advertisement for Google or because they heard it was nothing like Wedding Crashers. Both of those might be true but that doesn't take away from my enjoyment of the film and I don't think it would from yours either.

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