How did the US culture and family relationships turn so dysfunctional?
12 April 2021
Such a sardonic and sarcastic tone to set for any movie! I am embarrassed to even admit that I was born in the US. I lived through the 1990's, and I was too "immersed" in the culture to see it. But now that I'm older and more mature... To think that within my lifetime that the US culture would sink to such a low point. And it still continues...

Aside from my rantings and ravings, I do feel that Jody Foster did an above average job making this movie come together. The reality is that this does capture very well the mood and spirit of the times, even if it is a farcical account through a distorted lens. And because of this, it may bring some kind of spiritual awareness so that we don't have to go there. "CAUTION -- this could happen to you if you don't take greater ownership to bring more loving and acceptance into your family and extended family!!"

Sometimes, it got so crazy that I had to laugh. The lines were sometimes very clever. All of the actors/actresses did a good job. The only thing that got in the way for me was that it was so obvious that RDJ was hopped up on something. It kind of ruined it for me. The horrible negativity brought about by abusing drugs has cost us, as a country, more than we would ever imagine or admit. I have observed it firsthand, and that's why I'm able to share this. Regardless of this, I say, "Thank you, Jody Foster." I have always admired you and the work that you have done in your life and career!
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