Patriots Day (2016)
"....I found myself shocked in emotional challenges to steady my feelings...."
17 April 2021
Patriots' Day in the USA may sadly be remembered internationally for the Boston Marathon bombing in 2013: In short reference, it is a national holiday in Massachusetts to commemorate the first battles near Boston of the American Revolution -and to celebrate and to uphold liberty: the highlight of the day is the marathon.

The film will follow the events before and after the shocking scenes of horror of the bombings: Initially focusing on a police sergeant -who personalizes the collected and dogged determination of the Boston Police Force: A determination in spirit of duty to share their responsibility to help the victims, and to seek capture of the two assailants. We also see a snapshot of the lives of several of the victims.

Although we are bated in forlorn knowledge, the bombings come as we least expect them to appear on the screen -unprepared by the viewer to witness: From there on, the film never losses its grip on emotional intensity.

The film spreads out strongly in reportage of the narrative and action: I found myself shocked in the emotional challenges to steady my feelings of hate and revulsion towards the assailants of their callous nature of murder; but of great compassion to the victims, with my unflinching admiration of the courage displayed by the police force and the public alike. I question my own sententious nature to say this is a film I recommend to watch, which has provoked me in the morality issue of choosing to watch the film in the first place. But it is an excellent film if I may say so, with shifts of mood, and with a powerful force of justice and humanitarianism: the message is clear to me -that we seek a united front in rightful liberty, and strength in unified love.

Mark Wahlberg is outstanding in portrayal of the police sergeant, as are his co-stars, which include, Kevin Bacon, and J. K. Simmons....the manhunt and capture of the two brother assailants is satisfyingly heady to the point of blood thirsty revenge...
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