A Family for Joe: A Family for Joe (1990)
Season 1, Episode 0
Looking for a Faux Joe.
22 April 2021
The idea behind "A Family for Joe" is clever and could have worked. But the execution leaves a lot to be desired and instead of being edgy or heartwarming, it seems more like an episode of "Full House" when it comes to realism.

When the story begins, four kids have been orphaned and are going to be separated and placed in various homes. To avoid this, the three older kids come up with an idea. The only family member they have is a ne'er-do-well grandfather who disappeared many, many years ago. No one has seen him in decades and so if the trio could find a guy to pretend to be their grandfather, they could all stay in their family home, as the kids inexplicably seem to have lots of cash though the parents never made arrangements for their care upon their deaths!

So why didn't I love this heartwarming made for TV movie? Well, so much of it smacks of Hollywood and seems completely unrealistic. The ever-present music is schmaltzy, the kids all look like they were dressed by the folks who produced the ABC family comedies of the time (such as "Full House", "Family Matters" and so many other similar shows), and the dialog seems like nothing you'd actually ever expect real people to be spouting. It also needed an edge and needed broader appeal, as the movie looked more like something for kids and very undemanding adults. About the only thing I did like was Robert Mitchum as Joe....he was interesting. The kids, on the other hand, seemed plastic.

By the way, the network apparently KIND OF liked the film and made 9 episodes of a very short-lived TV series. I've never seen the shows...and that's okay with me.
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