Stowaway (I) (2021)
Had potential then lost it!
28 April 2021
I had high hopes for this but soon lost the hopes about a quarter way into the movie.

The story did have potential but the lack of budget and intelligent thinking and creativity behind the story telling let it down.

I absolutely love low budget independent movies if they are done properly and this wasn't and the fact that they somehow integrated an idea to spin the spaceship at an incredible rate so they can get around the zero gravity of space was beyond a joke (Even though scientifically it is possible but not with our current technology) so all movie they are just walking around which obviously saves on the budget.

There was no establishing shot of the rocket as they went into space and the commander all movie long is talking to mission control back on Earth but to save budget she is portrayed as talking to herself over an earpiece and we never see the people she is supposedly talking to.

Daniel Dae Kim is the saving grace of this movie, I would give it 10 stars just for him but the movie gets 3.
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