Largo viaje (1967)
The registration of a country that no longer exists
20 May 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Text: We are facing a journey of Italian neorealism (regarding narrative structure), but as for art, it is a completely Chilean label.

We will see this trip through Santiago with the eyes of a child desperate for the soul of his beloved little brother (Aneglito).

Despair, what a great word to define the film, but not the despair of a lost child, but rather that of a child from the past, a child raised under religion and under the traditions and superstitions of a time that no longer exists.

The film has scenes that can be unpleasant, since the stimuli go from less to more, from one minute to another situations happen that for someone who does not live in Chile or Latin America can be difficult to process. Attention, because although it is very interesting, it becomes shocking and unpleasant in a matter of seconds.

For me it is a pride that my country has jewels like this, Chile has an interesting culture, but I made it clear in the title of my review that this is a record of the past, extinct, but of course there are still elements of the films that are still valid In Chile today, like the cueca (our national dance), or in general, wakes in Chile are unorthodox, noisy and with a certain scandal and joy, and it continues to be so.

Have a good afternoon and do not forget your lists that are the key to entering heaven heaven.
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