Unexpected in a bad meaning
22 May 2021
As a Snyder fan i like how he handles the visuals but there is nothing else here honestly, Batista going beast mode is far an example, it got some scenes with great suspense and worthy to watch fights indeed, the ending of the movie is the worst of all and gets even more disappointing every minute, when the first hour was used to show the characters i thought the simple plot would turn to a deep story on how this changes everyones lives (and some deads obviously) , but instead we get a heist that goes well and turns into a massacre with pointless sacrifices that lead to nothing, the worst charcter surviving and a mission that ain't changed absolutely nothing, maybe the film has an ironic meaning that those who understand would love or if you are someone who only wants to watch blood and smart zombies you would enjoy this after the first hour. But in my point of view is an entertaining but unsatisfying movie that didn't fulfill my hype.
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