I can't even be bothered listing everything wrong with this film
23 May 2021
The other reviews say everything I was going to, including a list of the films it rips off in such a glaringly obvious way it's painful.

I only watched the first 40 minutes and decided I'd rather die of dehydration in the desert, so for all I know it could be a one star film. The sole redeeming feature were the night photography of the sky.

I'm disappointed to the degree of being actively offended, and I LIKE low budget sci-fi; I can usually get a laugh or at least some entertainment out of scripts that have refinement lacking, or characters that aren't fully developed, or plots that leave something to be desired, but this film is like someone swept up the cutting room floor for Dune, Star Wars, Gladiator, Last Samuria (there are no Samuria, it just suffers from White Guy Saves The Day syndrome, probably dying in the process but I never got that far), and instead of pasting those together to make sense just threw them at the audience.

Honestly, I want to give this film one star but I feel sorry for the one actor who tried to give a credible performance and the camera-person who spent the nights in the desert getting some lovely shots of the sky, and some artsy shots of sand blowing off the dunes in the daylight.

I'm also deeply offended that the comic relief duo was predictably Scots/Irish like we're all bumbling idiots, and they even make a point of saying that what they're saying makes no sense! I've seen school pantomimes and home videos on YouTube that were better than this, on a budget of £5 for some cheap sheets to string up as "tents" and wear as robes.

Not sure why, on a world with hovercraft, everyone fights with swords anyway, and in armour? In the desert?

Truly sorry to the people whose names are associated with this production. Utterly dire. I'm actively angry this even exists, and that I paid 20p to own it. I'll feel bad donating it back to the charity shop.

One last thing, it has no subtitle track, not that it would help the script but it just serves to make it even more exclusionary than necessary. If you're tempted to waste time on this film, read the reviews instead, they're more entertaining.
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