Review of Wicked

Wicked (2021)
28 May 2021
I almost never give ratings. Ladies I know we're usually busy reading, cooking, cleaning, caring, working and generally making sure the world keeps running but let's vote this up so we can get more films like books we enjoy.

Considering romance novels are the best selling genre of books it's amazing that you easily can count on your two hands the number of films made to fit squarely in that genre. I'd hoped after Twilight a YA that more films would be made from romance novels beyond the young adult subcategory, but we've yet to see much produced.

Let me start by saying I watch a ton of movies and can be really critical. That being said I thought this movie was well executed. It was an honest take on the genre following all the troupes that cinched the millions invested in it. I loved the acting especially the main characters, though one or two side characters were a little stiff It was never cringe worthy. The writing was on point and the directing and plot development really worked for me.

Please if you're a geeky guy who wants another film about fart jokes or one of those dudes who thinks we need Another war film keep your f*#king rating to yourself. Women who love romance novels need more films like this that don't make a love story into a cookie cutter comedy. Loved it full stars reading the books now because I cannot wait for the sequel.
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