2 June 2021
Warning: Spoilers
It's been so long since I (tried to) watched a genuinely bad film. Not bad like 'Army of the dead' is bad, where camerawork, acting, budget, CGI, villains and costumes seem award-worthy by comparison, but like, seriously bad. I watched about 20 minutes or some such, up until when he tries to have a sermon and people stand up, when they should be sitting down. Yes, that was written in the script under 'that'll be funny, right?'. I have no idea who the writers or director for this movie were, because ... I mean, were they awake? Are they small children? Did someone pitch: Let's find a guy who looks like Mal Reynolds, we'll dress him as mal Reynolds but call him Will Reynolds, so it's not too obvious, and he'll take on EITC, which everyone knows is evil from Pirates of the Carribean. He'll be like a murderer, but a good guy. Let's just not make him speak too much, because cringe. The main female is cookie-cutter cute in a costume nobody could ever place in any human period and there's John Rhys Davies, but other than that, from the cartoonish set-up (and not even all the way, like some steampunk extravaganza you might expect from S. Holmes movies), to the cloned coloured sidekick, it's bad. Boring bad. I tried, I really tried. It was on netflix, we all love netflix, right? Sigh. Yikes.
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