Review of The Game

The Game (1997)
One twist too many almost completely ruins an otherwise effective thriller.
6 June 2021
For its majority, 'The Game (1997)' is a well-made, compelling thriller. Fincher gives the film a great atmosphere and Douglas is excellent in the leading role. After a fairly slow but necessary set-up, the eponymous 'Game' begins and from there the thing is fast-moving and exciting. Sure, there are a few things that don't really make all that much sense and require a certain suspension of disbelief, but you sort of just go with it and it isn't really an issue for a long time. It's full of twists and turns, constantly keeping the audience as uncertain of the truth as our protagonist; this works for the most part. Frustratingly though, the film falls hard at the final hurdle. It has one twist too many, one that completely derails all that has come before. By including this final reveal, most of the film actually makes no sense - suspending disbelief isn't going to help you here. It asks you to accept that absolutely absurd things have been happening throughout the film in order to accept the ending, which actually makes a lot of what has come before seem rather comical. The protagonist also has such an out-of-character reaction to the reveal that it feels like some kind of dream sequence. It's a fantasy-like ending to a previously serious, mostly grounded thriller that leaves an absolutely sour taste in the mouth. Thankfully though, while you're on the ride it is entertaining and successfully thrilling, primarily thanks to Fincher's involvement. However, it does come to a highly unsatisfying screeching halt that makes you forget that it is actually well-done for 90% of its runtime. As a whole, it's unfortunately just shiny schlock. 6/10.
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