My WTF list from BTD III (Amok Train)
7 June 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Things I wondered about while watching this movie.

1. Why spend so much time showing the train dispatch center and the dialogue between the staff when there are no subtitles? I mean, you get there is panic, but you could establish that in a few seconds. No need to have us watch the back and forth if you aren't going to give us subtitles.

2. Did the train turn around when it jumped the tracks? How did it get back to the original village?

3. Were the kids unconscious when the villagers nailed those heavy boards over their doors before trying to burn them alive? How did they not hear anything?

4. Why not just take the girl directly to the ceremony instead of this long drawn out production? Once the professor knocked her out with the soup he could have just kidnapped her, am I right?

5. Does the thief understand that gunpowder can ignite from the cigarillo dangling from her lip?

6. The engineer, who does manual labor for a living, couldn't free himself from a knit scarf? Unless they use a different material in Serbia, I'm pretty sure he could have extracted himself from some yarn.

These are just the ones that stood out that I hadn't seen anyone else mention.

It was fun to watch, but confusing at times. Constant action kept me entertainerd. Solid B-movie, and like others said, it was well lighted and shot. Kudos to the special effects crew, solid work on an obviously low budget. Plausibility could have used some work.
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