Law & Order: UK: Masquerade (2010)
Season 3, Episode 6
Library Books can be hazardous to your False Alibi
8 June 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Hopefully you have watched this episode before reading this review.

Even the Smallest item can end up to be the Biggest Clue.

Most Crime / Cop / Court TV shows usually have people lying to cover themselves, and others thinking it is ok. We have all Lied (no, I did not take that last cookie) but usually not r/t Crime due to most probably have never been questioned by Law Enforcement.

I worked in (Military & Sillyvillian) Healthcare with a large chunk of it r/t working with many Law Enforcement groups, including training how to get "Forensics" from Injured in the ED etc. There have been times we Discussed potential liars r/t being questioned, during a Case. One discussion "Idea" was r/t a Court fine for those who lie during a Case; which would cut down mostly r/t those covering for others. (Rhetorical Question in this debate) What if the Interviewee was informed that if later their answers are found to be a Lie that for each lie you will be doing 1 hour of Community Service. Once you have done 24 hrs total of Community Service then after that the fine doubles; and each hour of Community Service is documented in the Paper and why. The actual Criminals would still Lie, but what would the non criminals percentage of lies decline? Would this be Legal?

Fun Fact - (I am Yisraeli), in the Torah (Means Fathers Instructions r/t being a Citizen in His Kingdom, not Law) there is a Instruction if you lie (Perjury) in Court to make someone Guilty and it is found out, then the Liar gets the Punishment (DT 19:16-21) instead. Makes Ex 20:16, and DT 5:20 in a diff light.

Sadly, this episode is another that could have been a 2 parts. The Crown Prosecutors should have then looked into "Child Abuse" upon the Father. Strict Parents can be a fine line, until they make their child Fear them as much as this one did via Physical attack. Via Convicting the Father of Child Abuse would be part of the Murder "Guilty" level of Punishment. Since many of these episodes cover "Mental Factors" r/t Conviction.

Even after the Conviction of his Daughter; I wonder if the Father could see his Anger Issues. The 2nd part episode would probably start with finding out the Wife/Mother divorced the Husband/Father.
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