20 June 2021
While this movie had some huge, glaring plot holes it still managed to be a very enjoyable movie. I was drawn in by the captivating charm projected by the lead. Her every word and action rang sincere and motivated by a will to do positive. The supporting cast also was very competent and real in their roles. The premise of good/innocent folks pitted against corrupt/greedy government officials is always interesting but only successful if dealth with deftly and competently. Sure, things happen that would never happen and unfold in ways that stretch credibility to the breaking point. But while I'm usually quick to quit on a movie and condemn everyone associated with it, I throroughly enjoyed this movie with it's honest sincerity. The tender moments were not overdone to Hallmark proportions, and the actors/actresses reigned in their performances even though I'm sure the temptation to give more was present. Here, less is more and I give full credit to the director for not only realizing it but getting the cast to respect it. Beautiful scenery as well, although a forgettable soundtrack. Soundtracks these days tend to be rather mild and gutless anyway, but at least here it didn't detract from the theme and feel of the overall experience. I thought it was excellent even with it's flaws. It possessed a rare power I rarely experience in movies of this sort. Superb casting and editing, and the humor never felf forced. Watch it, keeping in mind that it's not an imperfect vessel. 7.5.
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