Review of Clarice

Clarice (2021)
21 June 2021
The actors are incredible. An ensemble of characters who are all fleshed out carefully and intriguingly, too.

Episode by episode it has built to a climax, pealing away Clarice's identity and her deeply hidden fears of the foundation she has built herself upon.

Each character is like a piece of the jigsaw in developing the truth little by little, I am completely hooked. Michael Cudlitz is intense and fabulously dark at times, whilst. Nick Sando's, Clarke is not the typical dinosaur veteran, he's as forensically lethal, as Kal Penn's Tripathi is sardonic and assured.

Rebecca Breeds is amazing as the titular character, and it is a brave woman who follows Jodie Foster onto film. Lucca De Oliveira is very persuasive as the unassuming 'muscle' of the group.

On the fringes, the supporting cast is incredible,Marnee Carpenter's Catherine exquisitely portrays the post-traumatic stress following her ordeal, whilst her mother. Portrayed beautifully by Jayne Atkinson despairs at how to help her whilst juggling the VICAP taskforce she has created deliberately including Starling, no doubt to keep her close. Devyn A. Tyler brings Clarice's friend and fellow agent, Ardelia Mapp to life with aplomb, struggling with being a black woman and all that entails in the 1980s FBI.

The plot took a little while to kick in and of course Starling is a little like a goldfish in a shark tank when it comes to the support she needs as she uncovers a dark, sinister and twisted set of murders. The personal stories of all the characters are also fascinating and unravel as the team learns to trust and support each other, especially given Clarice's penchant for going it alone.

I genuinely hope that this brilliant and intriguing post 'Silence of the Lambs' is given a chance. Lastly a special mention to the impressive Jen Richards, so incredibly subtle, frustratingly impulsive and real as Julia, an insider that might just be pivotal. Give this show a try, it is very good indeed.
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