Citizen Kane of 21st Century
22 June 2021
The great thing about this film is that its form is congruent to its message. Most of the films preach being unique and taking risks, but their plot is safe and formulaic.

The voice of the film may sound offensive, vulgar and ridiculous to many, but that is precisely because it pushes the boundary of humor with its insane originality.

The "original voice" of the film is a perfect extension of Tom Green's message that an artist needs to develop an "original voice" to break into the consciousness of a society. It breaks free from conventions and re-appropriates them. That's what an artist should aspire. That is Tom Green's message. And he doesn't tell, he shows.

The fact that Green put his entire reputation on line to get this project green-lighted and then lose it all after the disastrous public-attention makes this film one of the most personal and mad visions in recent times.

The world is so toxic with its political-correctness as of now that I don't see any critic risking their career over this in near future.

But it is in my list of the best films of 21st century. And I don't mean in a it's-so-bad-that-it's-good kind of way. My adoration and respect for this film is genuine.
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