Leverage: Redemption: The Tower Job (2021)
Season 1, Episode 4
19 July 2021
Warning: Spoilers
As the Title of this REVIEW - Covers "PTSD" This review does not fully focus on PTSD, but this episode really is worth watching for those of us with it. Now, deep down I would not wish anyone to have any level of PTSD; but the BAD Guy is Fictional. Now this show is about "Leveraging" the Bad guys "DOWN" to the Victims level. In the Original series some of those Bad Guys the Leverage Team could see those Bad Guys could be Good Guys. This Bad Guy clearly shows this is NOT possible at least at the Present time in his life and especially the Bad Girl who is his Fiancé. See my Profile I DARE YOU. Due to most of my Reviews are not some "Rewritten Blah Blah Blah" of the Show. As IMDb (and my Profile) covers the Reviews should be how what you are reviewing touched / affected you. I am not talking "Feelings" (like that song) but did it bring back a Memory, or teach us something; or what emotions for you who in 40 years will be the Elderly showing your pictures of your "Meals" due to you want a Review that is only a "Snapshot" for instant gratification. To help those who need to take a Picture of a Meal ... you do know Movies, Shows, Episodes only a few years ago the "Food" in them are not edible anymore. Like those "Trucks" on the Highway with a "Bumper Sticker" that says "Not Edible" about what is in the Truck, not the Truck on what is NOT Edible. So if you want a Review that just a quick outline so you can figure out the Bad Guy to show off this is not for you. Wait, this Series always shows who is the Bad Guy at almost the Start of each Episode ... so why do some of you get offended if the Review is not telling you something you want to know r/t the Script or the Outline? And then do a Thumbs Down? Sorry, I am an old Vet (A Hitter, which are also Ranters).

The Bad Guy Jason has PTSD r/t his own fault. Bad Guys are people who really do NOT get PTSD, due to get it, actually need to see "Death" and Bad Guys enjoy Death to the point they never see themselves possible to Die only others. Which of course even if they do get into a situation they are able to reason why they didn't die, but laugh when others do. Just before his "Almost Dies" moment he even laughs when told that people may die due to all the Short cuts in the Building. So, he gets PTSD from the Writers to fit the story. Due to his PTSD I can't see any reason his Bad Guy's Fiancé wanting him, but then soon we see she does have her "real Fiance on the Side?" to, so Jason must be the "Face" for some reason for their partnership?

Due to how well Jason does the PTSD, made it hard for me to watch. I am an Old Vet with Military & working in Healthcare PTSD, and a little paranoid. But needed to see a Bad Guy have PTSD. As Breanna says later "What we are doing to him, are we the Bad Guys", let you see the scene to hear the perfect answer by Sophie.

Show starts with a building supposedly failing due to those cut corners. Problem is they use a Building coming down due to "Planned, and designed placed Explosives". This was made before the Miami Condo failed building, but this show in a way will fit in the hopes those who caused that are held accountable. That condo post picture show how the show building should have failed. It is easy to get film of Planned Demolished Buildings; not ones that fail.

Later we are informed that 4 people died. The way the film shows this, there is no way anyone lived. We see at least a dozen construction workers on only one floor.

Jason gets out of the Building, and runs behind a Taxi, but just before watched another car get demolished by part of the Building; he should have kept running. Physics of a Planned Demolished vs a Failed collapsing building would be r/t which side of the building was the weakest (most short cuts); but don't know that until it is over. Some Reality there is a Person who is so focused on his phone recording the building falling never realizes he is in the danger zone. In a way the show could have "Taught" people not to do this, by having a Piece of Building fall on him. Then as Jason is running from the Building why is there someone passing him going toward the Building? Same with lady with the Coffee runs toward the Building in an Angle. But then most people when something dangerous is happening they just run in the direction they were already facing. Like when a Gun Fight starts people run actually more often into the line of Fire, than away or instead of doing safest thing when bullets are flying (and you are NOT the Target) just become less of a target by laying flat. (That is what we call "Projectile Trajectory Physics) Take it from a old Vet; do what Jason does "Take a Breath" to know your surroundings and then go. So why didn't Jason take that breath before hiding behind a taxi in the danger zone. Contractors like him would know this; but then he didn't take the moment and got lucky.

Now Breanna does hint that the "One Year at the London College of Arts" is a red flag. We all know most people do more than a year unless they failed out. She is easily duped with 6Daze; but then I would love a Miniature Japanese Maple tree. But sounds like 6Daze gets a full sized one?

I am unsure why "Harry" keeps hiding his errors; he always get caught. We find out that Harry is why Jason is not held accountable; but anyone with minimal detective skills have figured this out by this episode? But due to his "Focus & Drive" to do right things he keeps just getting a Slapped wrist. But then slapped wrists are like a pat on a toddlers butt is enough right?

We do find out that Someone is still conning Eliot w/o even being there. Learning a Language to win a Bet; like asking someone they will bet them $10 they will get up from the chair before they crack 3 eggs on their head. Then have no problem they lost the bet; because the person stayed in their seat. (Is giving away $10 to crack eggs on someone worth it?) Eliot won some bet, but learning a language only useful at ComicCon. Hmm "Con" is in the name of a event? We Know via a later Episode that Eliot is NOT a person who would go to a "ComicCon" now the Actor would, just not the Character Eliot. But Then Eliot would be a "Hit" at a ComicCon.

Seems everyone is having fun with Eliot in this show. Eliot can NOT see himself in the Painting done by Breanna/6Daze; maybe he needs 1 year at the London Art College for "Men"?

It is really funny to see Breanna try to be part of a Fight, but doesn't swing the stick even hard enough at the bad guy to move the ball in a T ball game. (T Ball the Ball is placed on a "T" and somewhat similar to hitting a non moving Piñata and no blindfold).

There is a Drop Chute for emergencies on the Roof, I can see Parker going down it head first; but at that height of the building just the Wind would be NO way Jason uses it. Plus if the Building is Failing no Chance that Drop Chute would still be there.

I am an old vet, and even tried working toward "HALO" Jump training (High Alt, Low Opening of the Parachute, not enough schools r/t HALO at that time) but with my PTSD can't see myself even trying to go to the roof to get there. Then of course I now have problems getting on a 3 step ladder to change the Hummingbird feeder. (Which makes the Hummingbirds mad due to I don't do it fast enough) The area around the Hole, is not enough to stand next to the hole, more like standing on a Basketball Rim to step into the net. Then basketballs do not have legs like M&M's do? Jason's PTSD should be having him living off grid in a Tent, not being able to go into a High-rise.
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