According to the New York Times, this movie CAN'T exist!
23 July 2021
In an article from The New York Times from 2004, the very first 'spaghetti western' was "A Fistful of Dollars" back in 1964. Well, a Facebook friend recommended I see "Gunfight in the Red Sands" ("Duello nel Texas") and it clearly IS a spaghetti western. First, it has a lot of Italian and Spanish actors and was filmed in Spain (like these Italian westerns). Second, it has an American in the lead...not a requirement but common in the spaghetti films. Third, most of the music is from Ennio Moricone..the same guy who made the most iconic music from the genre, including his gorgeous music from "The Good, the Bad and the Ugly"!

When the story begins, three masked bandits come to the ranch owned by Gringo's father. They kill the old man, steal his money and shoot someone else. Gringo (Richard Harrison) is the dead man's adopted son...making him a white guy raised by Mexican-Americans. This also makes him REALLY irritable whenever folks make nasty comments about Mexicans!

The trail leads to a town where the sheriff insists there is no crime...none. Now considering he said this right AFTER two guys pick a fight with Gringo and try to beat him, I think the sheriff's credibility is low! And, as the film progresses, you realize that the sheriff is either incredibly stupid or a crook. After all, his response every time someone tries to kill Gringo is to lock up or threaten to lock up Gringo! To assist Gringo in his quest is his brother, Manuel. But do these two stand a chance against this crappy and corrupt town?!

The film looks like a spaghetti western in pretty much every way. My only complaints are minor. The opening song is godawful and sounds like it was recording in someone's bathroom (I am NOT exaggerating). The chase scenes on horseback are poorly filmed and very jerky. And, there are a few silly anachronisms (such as having folks gambling with 1960s US dollars and Manuel with a 1920s style .38 revolver). But the story is very involving and solid. Harrison (virtually unknown in his home in the USA) is very good as are the other actors. And, the action is very good. All in all, a very good film and better than most Italian westerns...and well worth seeing.

By the way, I tried watching this on YouTube but found they were putting commercials in the film every five minutes!! Instead, I found it on a Roku channel....with no commercials! My Facebook friend....he paid for it on Amazon Prime...which, in hindsight, he didn't have to do...but I am VERY glad he recommended the film to me.
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