Party of Five: Dog Day After New Year (2000)
Season 6, Episode 10
The only New Year's Eve seen with the Salingers
4 August 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Christmas passed in season 6 and wasn't showed. Surely was the happiest Christmas for the family since 1994, considering that in the last ones there was always drama and misery. I wish there was an episode of it. Anyway, so far, it was never seen a New Year's Eve in this series so I guess this time, as the beginning of the 2000, the writers chose this event instead of Christmas. Begins with the Salingers who live in the house, taking down decorations from the Christmas tree, while Bailey reveals that he has a wedding party (Holly's cousin) to attend with Holly, and he feels uncomfortable because he fears commitment, something that his sisters notice. Holly is able to move forward, and doesn't care what her family thinks, but Bailey does. In some funny moments, an old lady introduces him to other people as Holly's boyfriend, Holly's fiancee or Holly's husband, mispronouncing his name as Barry Salender, for example. Then, when the bride throws the bouquet (I wonder why that moment wasn't showed in Charlie and Kirsten's wedding), it falls to him, but Bailey, instead of giving it to Holly, throws it to the floor. Then, he explains his doubts to her and the next day (jan 1st), apologizes, saying he'll go one flower by one, without knowing their future, only spending time with her. This part was good and funny, he behaved poorly in the wedding and it's obvious that Holly has stronger feelings than him, which is strange considering he was the one who pushed the relationship. As for Julia, along with Griffin, search Evan's elusive publisher, who finally says that her book won't be published because another girl, from Princeton, has a similar book and finished it first. It was interesting their story, enjoyable, (unlike Julia and Evan) as showed that they still can have a good time despite not being together. Griffin helped her to trust and fight for the things she needs. Who'd have thought, they shared better moments here than in season 4.

Charlie, who got home early and made dinner for his wife, reveals her that he got a promotion in the furniture factory, while Kirsten has problems in her job because the drug company is dealing bad with the children's situation. Frustrated due to her bad day, she is initially disappointed that Charlie will have a few more hours of work and not much more pay, but he says it's good because he finally can get to design his own furniture, so she tries to be happy for him. The next day, he pleads his boss, Gus, to produce his designs to sell, to gain more money, but he refuses to take the risk, saying he doesn't have the money to start a new line and that the factory might go under. Later, in a dinner with Daphne where they arrived early to talk, Kirsten convinces her husband that he has to keep trying to convince Gus of using his designs because they gave up IVF, having a baby, for their jobs. So in a party for New Year's Eve, where they both go and Gus meets them, Charlie tells Gus he might quit before the factory goes under, also surprised along Kirsten because he spent a lot of money in the party without caring that the workers may be unemployed next month. Finally, in jan 1st, Gus accepts his idea for the designs, to try save the factory. About this, I understand Charlie's position, five years ago he lost his great chance in Seattle and since then he had mainly the restaurant and then the shop teaching, so he is starting to feel that his proffesional future is fading away. If he wants to sustain his family with Kirsten he needs better expectatives and probably that's why she was worried too. And it's like for putting their dream on hold, they focused on their jobs, which frustrated them at some point. That's why she was upset in the first scene, she knows that what she really wants is still on the wait and her job didn't serve as a comfort. In the meantime, in the dinner previous to midnight, they meet Luke, a military man who is Daphne's new boyfriend (both from Texas), and asks their blessing, but Kirsten tells him that's not neccesary, that he should stay with Daphne even if they don't approve him. She tells him that he should try anything to change their minds or find some other way, and Charlie agreed with her. She probably was trying to tell Charlie to do anything to convince Gus of producing his designs but I think it also applies to Gene's disapproval of Charlie. They didn't care what he thought in the real wedding, Charlie was going to stay with his wife no matter what her dad said. Luke asked them this because they are the only family Daphne has, still, they don't feel in the position of Daphne's parents". Anyway, Luke understands what they mean and he calls them "madam" and "sr". It was good that Daphne could find a good man, from her homegrown, this way she can find some happiness and not be alone. This way she can heal her old wound of not having lasting boyfriends, she wants to try something serious with Luke. On the other hand, the scene with Luke asking Charlie and Kirsten's blessing, showed that they are like the authority figures of the family. Also, this could be a glimpse of future meetings, the day that Claudia, Owen, Diana or other child of them bring someone to meet Charlie and Kirsten, as the parents, this could be similar. That person must be respectful of them, and they are going to test or prove him/her. For example, the day that Claudia engages to a boyfriend, he has to meet the siblings and will need or want Charlie and Kirsten's approval.

To finish, the saddest part of the day. Claudia tells Bailey that she is taking earlier tests to skip senior year in highschool and enter college one year before, looking to forget the things that happened with Derek, Alexa and Cameron. At the same time, Bailey realizes that Thurber is not ok and asks her to take him to the vet. Lately, the family dog had a brief appearance last episode and some lonely apps in season 5 (like in Get Back). She and Owen go there, while they take care of Diana, as everyone else is out and her parents are having dinner, and the vet tells them Thurber is agonizing (kidney failure) with small chances of survival, even with expensive procedures. Claudia calls Bailey, who got out of Holly's cousin's party, and they authorize the painless death for the dog although they couldn't reach the rest of the family to say goodbye. In that time, Owen feeded his niece without jealousy (this is good for him and his future), and Bailey decides to tell him the truth, despite Claudia's wishes of letting him be young. She is still affected by what happened with Derek, so she wishes Owen can be a kid as long as possible, ignoring the adult world of suffering and pain. Still, Bailey is reasonable, saying that his way, Owen can say goodbye to his dog. The next day, the family plus Griffin distribute Thurber's ashes in the park (I don't agree with it, I'd have buried him in the backyard), and to comfort Owen, they imagine the dog running around. Claudia suffers in solitude and goes near a tree to sob (like usually, she is touching). I praise Claudia's attitude, I remember seasons 1-2 and she was the Salinger who spend most of the time with Thurber, unlike her older siblings. She was the one who most took care of him during the series. Here, was showed once again why she is the best character, she is one of the most emotional, sentimental, strong and caring persons in the show. Being 16, instead of going a party for New Year's Eve, she stayed home, taking care of Owen and Diana, and then, of Thurber during his last moments. And for wanting his little brother to be young and innocent, that's great, she was that way in season 1-2, being a child. One day, she will be a wonderful mother, and seems that Lacey Chabert now is a lot like her character. Changing subject, the family is also saddened because they missed the turn of the millenium. Griffin and Julia were in a cab trying to reach Thurber, but they got stuck with traffic thanks to the driver (who, according to Griffin, didn't take the best shortcut) and saw fireworks (that scene was really funny). Charlie and Kirsten were at the party for the factory, but missed the fireworks (why they didn't go outside?). Bailey, Claudia, Owen and Diana spent the moment with Thurber dying and watching on TV at the vet. So in the morning, Julia and Charlie try to relive the moment and he starts the countdown for them, while the rest of the family, plus Griffin, join him, ending with Happy New Year!!
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