20 August 2021
Steady, but Unremarkable and Uncommonly Sentimental Western, Notable for Future Super-Star Bronson's First Top Billing.

Because it's Bronson the Movie has an Odd Feeling as the Budding Star Slinks into an Introspection Not Usually Found in His Overconfident Macho Screen-Persona.

For Example, much is Made of His 'Short" Stature and Supposed Over-Compensation with His Gun and Killing.

Charles (Bukowski) Bronson was 5'9" Tall...Hardly Short.

The Story Has Bronson Trying to Collect on a Bounty (although he is a Marshall) and the Killer was so Liked in Town that All of Them Turn on Him in a Heart-Beat.

He is Also Forced into a Romantic Affair and the Meeting of Two "Lonely" and Outcast People Find Each Other and Attain Happiness.

The Gun-Play and Violence is Straight-Forward but Energetic and Effective.

John Carradine has a Significant Role as the Only Townie that Warms Up to the Marshall-Bounty-Hunter.

Bronson Fares Better in His Next Starring Role for Roger Corman as "Machine Gun Kelly" (1958).

That's the Bronson that Gained a Fanatical Fan Following.
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