Frank Abignail goes into The Departed
28 August 2021
Scorsese is brilliant, DiCaprio is brilliant. The few women with clothes are pretty. My question is for Scorsese-can you make any movies about people who aren't larger than life?

Martin Scorsese is always masterful, but with each new BIG movie I get the feeling that he's reaching for a bigger dopamine hit each time. Nicholson showing us how evil and good occupy the same turf using the same tactics. Then a few years on, DiCaprio is back in the cocaine feed bag showing us he can go beyond Jack Nicholson with more women more money more sex more drugs.

In a way it's just too much, like a long walk that starts out scenic and amusing and becomes like a death march at the point of a gun. I felt obligated to stick it out though it's three totally degenerate hours and I feel like I need the steam room more than Leo to sweat out the toxins. Can I get these horrible images out of my head? Can you unsee the grotesqueries of Scorsese's hellscape of "pleasures"? I wish I could even though technically the film is very good-except for really being pornographic.

I wish I hadn't been convinced by reviews to consume this and I'm no prude. But there aren't any lessons here except that great performances aren't really enough when you don't like the characters in the least. And that's a problem.
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