not feeling this remake
28 August 2021
Joan Ames (Merle Oberon) meets Dan Hardesty (George Brent) in Hong Kong and she's taken with him. She's dying on a last whirlwind trip with her maid and boards a ship back to America. He's a fugitive for murder and gets captured by SFPD Steve Burke (Pat O'Brien). He tries to escape into the harbor and both are fished onboard the ship. Joan and Dan continue their romance without knowing each other's problems.

I don't see how a police detective would allow him that much freedom. Dan should be handcuffed to the bed or locked away in steerage. It would be more compelling for an unarmed cop to follow him onboard the ship and it becomes a cat and mouse game seeing how he has no jurisdiction while in International Waters. At least, that's how I would write it. After putting him in handcuffs, I don't see the cop going backwards no matter what. It's also a big coincidence that he has so many friends on the ship. The romance is almost on the backburner. The movie is both unlikely and uncompelling. I'm not rooting for him to escape and they don't spend enough time on the romance for me to care about it. This is a remake of a 1932 film and I actually like that film. I don't remember having this much trouble with the story although I still wanted him to prove his innocence to increase my rooting interest.
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