So Bad its watchable.
29 August 2021
I can only agree with most of the negative reviews on many levels, however I found it strangely compelling for all the wrong reasons.

There were elements I enjoyed, but after reading one reviewer state with apparent seriousness, that this film is superior to the Hammer Classic in 1959, that in itself is probably one of the greatest pieces of comedy I have read in years.

Tony Curtis was totally miscast, comparing his casting to the casting of Christopher Lee is plainly ludicrous.

Christopher Lee was often cast as Foreigners due to his imposing height and darker looks, especially in Swashbuckling roles before he achieved fame in the Hammer Horror films.

Tony Curtis looks like an Italian Restaurant owner at a fancy dress party, but don't get me wrong because I normally like him in most films.

In the Hammer Classic, Christopher Lee was able to add pathos to the character with astonishing effectiveness, just with skilfull use of his eyes.

He was able to project the eternal sadness of a man who died for his love, he wasn't just some lumbering soulless monster.

The only advantage this movie has over the Hammer Classic are the location shots, but describing the sets of the Hammer film as 'lame' shows no appreciation for the Excellent job done by the Hammer team or Art direction.

With low budgets, Hammer did wonders with set design, cinematography atmosphere , music and a stable of actors that The Mummy Lives could have benefited from.

The Mummy Lives can't even hold a candle to the Hammer Mummy sequels, let alone the Universal movies.

However I found it strangely watchable and enjoyable in a B-Movie way.

It has its moments and with better casting, direction and music, could have actually been quite memorable.
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