Tuned in for Manny Jacinto; very impressed with Rosa Salazar
30 August 2021
Warning: Spoilers
"Brand New Cherry Flavor" starts out like it's a normal drama, kind of slow, but odd things start to happen to the point that they become deliciously weird throughout the episodes. It's a simple revenge-for-revenge scheme that goes awry, and go awry it sure does! Some of the images in this show are nothing like you have ever seen before. They give the feeling of being gory without really being gory, hence the subtle art in that presentation. However, besides the Code character, none of the players here are that likable enough to root for, including the protagonist herself, Lisa Nova, who constantly makes decisions that make you gasp. But the actress playing her, Rosa Salazar, is something to behold. I hope she gets major movie roles in the future, as she is quite intense, and at the same time can be darkly funny. She also exudes an impressive level of being comfortable in her own skin, which she should, being that she is exotically pretty and fit, but here it's no holds barred so it's quite something to witness. Unfortunately, the vague, rushed, and disappointing ending doesn't quite do justice to this otherwise creative show.
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