In the same breath, but not in the same tone.
2 September 2021
Firstly, I'm from Liverpool, UK. Which pretty much means that I'm neither for the U. S, nor China. I'm somewhere in the middle and have as much respect as disdain for these two leading superpowers.

I watched this documentary and if you are reading this, it means that you're either looking to see if this is worth your hard-fought time, or you're someone linked to the project looking for kudos.

Like the above statement, I'm neither going to recommend that you do or you don't, and I'm not about to praise or diminish the work.

What I will say is that, in this time of 'fauxness', I'm not actually sure what was real or fake in this production. It was hard to tell at time and whilst I'm fairly sure (as both a critic and sometime filmmaker myself) that there are portions that are somewhat fictional, whilst there are some portions that are reality.

What this film does, as you can probably tell from the front cover, is draw similarities between these two nations and their respective responses to the pandemic. It isn't a new concept and has been done for years by the likes of Brecht, Ibsen and Mike Leigh (albeit in fictional works).

I'm not equating Wang to the likes, but the concept still stands - it is a game of wag the dog - or in this case, Wang the dog.

Crafting a documentary isn't that hard in the grand scheme of things - you create a timeline from point A to point Z, amass your media, and tell a story. It's such a simple concept, a kid could do it.

The hard part is telling your story... filling in the rest of the alphabet. This is usually done by media and narration. Both are well done by Wang and she does a good job of internalising and externalising her story to suit the needs of the film.

Some of the footage is a bit dicey at times and their origins aren't really cited - some for obvious reasons. But one thing does trouble me. There is footage presented that was shot in a Chinese Doctor's surgery which just looks bizarrely edited. Hardcoded are English dates and times (CCTV dates and times), and these are usually hardcoded by the camera's software.

But if this footage was captured in China by Chinese cameras and Chinese softwares, wouldn't they be in Chinese? I am not sure - but I figured they would be (just as in other segments of footage).

Therefore - I spent the rest of the documentary questioning what was real and what wasn't?

It's a given that the "hospital" footage was a honeytrap for reporters in order to keep the eyes of the press away from the real problems. It just looked like a fake hospital and I'm no expert here, but I was sure that there was footage released by the CCP which had obviously been staged - and this hospital looked very similar.

So, again, it is hard to filter out the agenda here and when that happens the film actually starts to resemble a film and not an expose or even documentary.

Wang gives details of her motives a number of times and I respect that! Yet, there are just certain parts which makes you wonder what the superagenda is here and whilst any good documentarian will say "You are supposed to make up your own mind" (to an extend for such subject matter), I was waiting some big reveal.

This is worth your time if you're someone in the future looking for context on Corona. Yet, make no bones about it that this documentary is not the be all and end all just because HBO picked it up.

You won't really learn much that you can't from Wiki and/or the history books (unless someone rewrites it). But it is an interesting citizen journalism piece from someone who has obvious pulls towards both the U. S and China.

With that in mind, it is interesting to view a tale woven from someone with dual citizenship and obvious leanings towards both cultures and countries. She does a good job of epitomising the title of the film and walking you through her points of view on both sides of the fence.

But as I've said - don't take it as read and don't take it as a given that the whole unfettered truth is presented here. Truth is - I doubt any of us will ever know the 'tru faz' of what happened here.

All we can do is tell our stories and hope the chips fall on the table. One thing is apparent though, it's all about the numbers and different representations of those numbers.

Watch if you will, or don't. But if you're a follower of Rona (as I am), you probably won't learn much outside of the sphere of what you already know.

However - one take you will take is that the U. S and China are two cheeks of the same butt. We (UK) are somewhat the crack and we take all the wipings and whatnot and keep the clangers. We have a hand in both countries and craftily wipe our cracks with variable degrees of success.

With that in mind, go forth and watch. But watch our for the clangers.
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