Never read the book, went in blind
3 September 2021
Another reviewer stated those giving high scores must be fans of the book. I'm not, never read it or thankfully non of the reviews on here prior to taking the plunge.

See, as I'm usually the sort to despise pretentious garbage and the usual crowd of "intellects" that sing its praises to the rest of us lowly peasants; I tend to give more credence to honest reviews (most of which these days seem low).

Most 9 or 10 star reviews on IMDB are from cast/crew of the films or their families/friends.

On this occassion however, I'm genuinely surprised at the negativity for this show.

This isn't a show I would usually go for but there was nothing else on and so I went for it. I'm five episodes in and find that despite it being a slow burning mystery and tale of intrigue, it actually does have a decent pace and isn't filled with long moments of artsy staring into the camera, deafening silences or angled shots of inanimate objects.

Another reviewer stated Melissa Mcarthy is the only decent act in this show....?

Erm, what? Whilst she definitely is great in this, they're all decent performances. Michael Shannon's is fantastic.

Others saying Nicole Kidman's character is "strange", "weird", "like an alien" etc...... I'm sorry for this but you're showing your IQ levels up a bit here; as she's MEANT to be like that....that's the POINT!

Her accent? Meh......but I'm not gonna get hung up about it. She's not the first to mess up an accent, nor will she be the last. If you're the sort to let one little thing ruin everything for you, then good luck with that I guess.

Overall I laughed out loud a few times and got a lump in my throat on others.

I may be getting more soppy over my years but I find the gradual bond between the characters to be heart warming too.

All the while the plot thickens and the boiling pot simmers in the background.

I'm enjoying it a lot and I'm usually a tough-to-please member of the audience......

Each to their own though......
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