The Cast Was Assembled....
4 September 2021
......So Why Did It Stink So Much? Well for one thing, the accents were horrendous. My gosh man did anybody do any research into the dialect of the region they were filming in? I laughed as the accents got as thick as stew then disappeared altother only to emerge the next sentnece. It's a testament to incompetence. MGH showed the least talent accent wise, with Ellen B. A close 2nd. Alison E., in the lead role, actually did all right with it and I didn't notice anybody else butchering it too badly. But the main problem, other than the overdramatic mucic, was the clinging dripping sappy sentimentality. It was just too much to bear at times. I don't rehash plots in my reviews here because people generally have an idea what it's about and I don't plaster mine on several different sites. There were parts I liked. I enjoyed the friendship develop between MGH and Percy (Alison E.) at the start, and the guy who played the young man interested in Percy was authentic. Him and the sheriff were the two best characters in the movie. Ellen B. Was just too erratic to be likeable, and Will P. Was as awful as he is in every role he's ever been cast in. The way the story unfolds though is just not too credible, and the cliched nonsense of any made for TV movie creeps up to intolerable levels. Too many things just didn't make sense, and while it's possible to overlook a few plot holes or absurd scenes, when they start to pile up the fun is gone. People just behaved in irrational ways too many times, and the ending climax and conclusion was over the top corny and not in the least bit surprising. The town and countryside were portrayed nicely, and interior of the inn was appealing. But the townfolk just came across and closed minded busybodies, and why they'd want to visit an inn owned and operated by crotchety old Ellen B. Is mystifying. And I didn't see the need for Percy to wade that far out into the river just to warn hermit man when he could hear her fine from where she was. Stupidity or suicide? Who cares? Watch it once if you can get through it. The way Will patronizes and insults his wife will make you want to drown him instead. Not particularly thought provoking or enjoyable, but Alison E. Is pretty enough to carry lead actress duties. I've seen it a few times through the years but won't subject myself to it again. This dvd will get donated to the library.
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