Review of Code Geass

Code Geass (2006–2008)
Code Geass Review
15 September 2021
Warning: Spoilers
I dropped this last year after watching an episode. My reason for this is that the animation looked weird. 1 year later, I returned back to this anime. Here is the review.

Code Geass: Lelouch of the Rebellion is about an estranged 17-year-old boy that has been given supernatural power. He wants to find out about his mother's death and keep his sister safe. It is animated by Sunrise who also animated Cowboy Bebop and Gintama.

The story of Code Geass Season 1 is mostly filled with fighting and school shenanigans. The anime has mechas and a lot of warfare, I didn't find it repetitive. The starting of the anime was sudden but when you discover Lelouch's past it makes sense. I personally didn't the school parts. They were used for comic relief and to show Lelouch's friends and how he struggled to keep his identity unknown. The comic relief was mostly filler and unimportant. The fanservice was very cringy but good for bonding. I would like to know more about The Chinese Federation and E. U in the Second Season. Overall the story was good.

Lelouch Lamperouge is the main character. He's quite the stereotypical protagananist with a revenge story and wanting to find out the truth. C. C is another important character. She is cold but loyal to Lelouch and thinks well of him. Kallen is one of Lelouch's important soldiers. She is quite annoying a decent character. The characters in the Britannian army were ok. I thought that they got too much screentime and that the Japanese side should have got more, I thought the romance plot with Villetta was pointless. I was not interested in his classmates that much of which Shirley and the girl with glasses were my least favourite.

The start of Code Geass season 2 was disappointing. After a suspenseful ending, it's revealed that Lelouch lost his memory of being Zero and of his Geass. We are introduced to his new brother Rolo and to a arrange of characters with their memory stolen. I found the 1st half of S2 repetitive and boring. When the 2nd half happens everything gets going. The pacing is faster, there is more character development and more action. Lelouch, the protagonist is the most anti-hero propagandist I've ever seen. He's extremely well written and unevenly distributed as the most important character. C. C is my second favourite character. Her character bloomed during the season and instead of being a spectator (like in the first season), she has the power to change things and act by her moral compass. The romance plots were very boring.

The animation was quite good. I thought that they looked lanky and stick figure-ish was weird but I got used to it. The character designs were alright. The fights were rigid sometimes. The animation was quite good. The OP's and ED's always looked really good and the action was OK.

Season 1 OPs were amazing, Season 2 were pretty dissapointing but saved by good animation. I watched the Sub and the voice acting was very good. Sometimes it was pretty emotionless but I found it great. The ED's were lackluster and forgettable. The soundtrack was good.

In conclusion, This anime was fantastic. I would recommend this to anyone who likes an antihero protagonist and I will watch the remaining spinoff movies.
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