KFC Breast Meat
23 September 2021
Warning: Spoilers
I think I've cracked the code. I've got the 4-11 on what this Sidaris fella was up to! When the "now hiring" signs went up he was probably going in Hooter's and poaching all the waitresses? Just a theory, but plausible nevertheless.

When you pop these DVDs on a guitar instrumental comes on at the title screen and it's one shade away from sounding like Dire Straits.

Movie starts out with Miss Prissy, specs 'n all, typing the introduction credits on an 80's Apple computer to some Dueling Banjos b-side music. You know what you're in for when a co-star in the movie is called Busty O'shea.

Believe it or not, but none other than John Holmes pulls up in a red sports car and he checks his fobwatch to see what size his time is. 14-hundred hours, I believe? He checks it twice to make sure and grins as assurance.

He seems to be holding the same cowboy hide furbag as the lady from Day of the Warrior which was filmed 11 years later.

Now he's at a shooting range and pulls out his 14" magnum and shoots off a few loads, I mean rounds, but he fails to hit his target though.

Burt Reynolds shows up in Death Race 2000. "Over and out, good buddy." What is this, Convoy now?

This Holmes/Reynolds guy is just one big magnet for flesh. Two neighbors enter his house boat while he's taking a shower - great ass by the way - and I bags the blonde one.

Look at the assets on these two! Talk about a vulgar display of power. (Pass me a bucket of Kentucky Fried, I'll have the breast pieces.) Here he goes again! Talk about spoilt for choice. He's just met the one with the exploded vacuum hair; takes her to dinner and a dance, now she's his penfriend. All this in an evening? (She's the killer by the way.) If you closed your eyes and just listened carefully you'd swear it was Magnum P. I. For some reason it turns into a horror movie, where a sleazebag limo driver is violently murdered, and I thought I saw Jeffrey Dahmer show up a few times?

I guess this one was better than the last 2 Sidaris movies I watched.

However, I'd prefer to watch those 1970 Carter Stevens movies over this Sidaris fella's movies.

They sadly lack any direction and seem to be follow-ups from another story like it's a continuation from another film.
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