Untold: Malice at the Palace (2021)
Season 1, Episode 1
Great premise, somewhat flawed execution
29 September 2021
As someone who's not interested in basketball and who had never heard of this incident before, I found the last 40 minutes pretty interesting. Apparently it doesn't do much for viewers who are knowledgeable about the incident, though.

The biggest problem for me was the tedious first 25 minutes, which could have been way more condensed. It's all an extended prologue to the incident at the Palace itself, and I don't understand how most of it was relevant.

Also: the content itself could have gone a bit deeper. That guy who initially threw the beer and started things seems like a stone cold sociopath who could have been discussed more (he admits to not feeling bad that another guy got mistaken for him and attacked).

Then there's the whole racism in the media at the time that gets shown briefly but isn't really dives into. There's a lot to say about those who kind of blamed it - directly or indirectly - on things like "hip-hop" and "thug attitudes" (paraphrasing what the news reporters were saying).

So one third of this is dull, two thirds are quite good, but maybe a bit of a missed opportunity to dig deeper on certain things. So it's an okay documentary, but a little disappointing in the end.
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