This might be the best Trek of all the Star Treks
29 September 2021
I will preface this with I love all Star Treks even the newer crappier ones. But this one...wow. I have taken it upon myself to re-watch EVERYTHING starting with the OG Star Trek. I don't remember loving Deep Space Nine as much as I did after this run through.

One thing that really helped this show was the main story arch that ran through the majority of the show. It wasn't present for every episode, there were some side stories and some filler episodes but for the most part the main arch was there and nicely developed.

Characters and story line aside the one thing I really loved/appreciated was the conclusion to the show, which builds up over the course of the show but really gets going in season 7. The show ends on a very heartwarming, sad, happy, very satisfying note. Writers of other shows no matter what the topic should take note here, this is how you end a show in a satisfying way. No one wants to sit through 7 seasons only to have the rug pulled out in the last episode or 2.

I can't recommend this show enough. Even if you are not a Star Trek fan this could be the show that gets you into it.
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