Kids love it some thing not necessary
30 September 2021
Ok so I have 3 girls ages 5,6,9 all love the movie. Its cute the music is fun. For every one that obviously are obsessed with the passed and the old carecters all I have to say is "let it go". Obviously its a whole separate thing for god sakes theres obviously a gay pony in it. Which honestly I don't care what people are but I don't see why it is necessary to put in little kid movies. Its just one of many things netflix especially likes to push on the kids lately. For example why did netflix have to change the picture to Sunny and Izzy looking like they are having this intense moment and are about to full on kiss. Like I said I have friends of many different circles but don't see why this is pushed so hard on to the youth. But the movie is a cute funny enjoyable flick. And it is not connected to the past ones so let it go. The only way that you or your kids will even be bothered by that fact is if you the parent make an issue out of it. People need to not get so stressed over a kids movie.
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