Lighten up, people. The producers did. You can, too.
1 October 2021
What's not to like about this bit of whimsical fluff? Rob Lowe - arguably the ultimate troubled Hollywood star cliche not named Charlie Sheen- narrates the industry's mea culpa for excessive reliance on many of its go-to gimmicks. As a very minor film critic, I also appreciate that many of the talking heads are relatively unknown reviewers. That's showing some love for the folks in the unlit, popcorn-scented trenches who variably savor or endure endless iterations of the depicted tropes so their audiences can make informed choices.

My nit to pick is that other examples came to mind along the way that I would have preferred. No better depiction of the avenging-daddy's-murder theme exists than "My name is Inigo Montoya. You killed my father. Prepare to die." It shouldda been a contendah.
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