Whatever You expect from a Sopranos episode David Chase delivered it
1 October 2021
The film adapted the entire family well. The writer still hasn't lost his touch. I still wish this could've been a Tv show. This movie felt like a promo rather than a feature film. They advertised this film as Tony's legacy but that's not what happens. This entire film is about his uncle. He is a new character to us but we still love him as we loved all the other characters in Sopranos. The main plus point for this film is its cast. They would make us this for even a minute that they were different actors. The slow music too is awesome. I felt chills when the Sopranos title track played. This film doesn't feel like it is over done. But at the same time it felt a little empty. I feel the exact same way that I felt with the Sopranos. But that's me I watched this film at home. I don't know how its like for theatre. But I am sure I would be disappointed if I watched it there. There are some moments in the film where only sopranos fans can notice and if they did then that scene it self stands alone with the rest of the movie. Only some characters aren't fit for example Silvio is my favourite character but in this I felt a little off when I saw him. I loved Dick Moltasanti character I wish I want to see more of him. But I think its not possible. I hope to see more adaptations from this franchise. Crime never delivers boredom.
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