Review of Demons

Demons (1971)
Loose ssociation with 47 Ronin a disgrace
6 October 2021
No. This is a very stylish and interesting film in the manner of its staging, photography and acting. The real problem here is that this story of revenge has not one redeeming moment and even the "revenge" is pschopathic rather than "justified". By far the worst feature of this dark and shameless film is trying to assiciate the low life, deranged samurai with the esteemed company of the 47 Ronin. It is a disgrace in both intent and form. In violent films we expect violence but these film makers go way to far for no good reason at all. This film is one of the very few "samurai epic" films that I feel is terrible, and not a little bit disgraceful in both conception and execution.
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