Power is an end unto itself
26 October 2021
The conclusion to the previous time travel episode.

This is an enjoyable finish to a pretty good story.

I prefer the cleverness of the story detail to the character moments. It does not generate much in the way of suspense or tension, as the pacing of the key plot details are quite slow. However when the situation is resolved I look back upon it as a cool time temporal concept that uses the passing time of time to great effect.

The characters are pretty good though, especially Captain Picard, Data, Guinan, Samuel Clements, and Jack London. How much the historical characters actually add to the episode other than padding that makes it all feel very literate and high-brow, is a matter of debate.

Patrick Stewart and Caryn Johnson are both great. Jerry Hardin is entertaining, but his voice starts to get a bit tiresome to me by the end, especially if you watch episodes parts 1 and 2 back to back. I do though like his observations on the idealistic Trek future society.

Riker and the others are fairly good also. The scenes when everyone pretends to be part of a theatrical troupe to humour a nosey landlady reminds me a lot of "The Ladykillers".

Visually it all work very well with some cool effects, set design, props, and costuming.
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