Review of Insiders

Insiders (2021–2022)
This has been painful to watch
28 October 2021
I really wanted to give this show a chance. I watched the episodes at 1.5x at times and it was still too slow and boring.

As somebody else mentioned, at one point it felt like my Netflix is skipping scenes and I was wondering what was going on. They show the eliminated person talking and then, before they finish and completely out of the blue, they show a random scene of two people talking about something completely unrelated and move on. Then, after 40 minutes and maybe in the next episode, they get back to the scene without any logical transition.

Also, there was TOO MUCH CRYING. Why was everybody crying?! As a spectator I could never see any meaningful connections built between the contestants and then one of them gets eliminated and everyone cries so much... what?! I was skipping the scenes with one particular woman who was literally crying all the time and needs to seek medical help (this is not a joke, this is serious! Saying you are unable to control yourself about anything and crying like this ALL the time seems like a medical condition and is no joke!)

Do you really think these people were actors? Come on! This is offensive towards real actors... they were just people who thought this show was gonna make them famous and were trying too hard.

I don't know if the show was that bad or just the people who did the editing/post-production completely failed but no... 1000% wouldn't recommend this show to anyone. Please, spare yourselves the pain!
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