What an absolute steaming pile.....
30 October 2021
Of plop!!!

When Adolf Hitler first appeared on screen not only did his hat and uniform look like his mum had made it for 'Trick Or Treat' but with 'Blakey' from ''On the Buses' playing the part I truly half expected him to shout out at some point ''I hate you Butler''!

Clearly a large proportion of the budget was taken up with hiring the American Truck used in a coupe of shots, as it certainly wasn't spent on any of the costumes (or plastic Lugers with no barrel sights! LOL) and when Katie Price's son Harvey appeared for a cameo role in the back of the truck in one scene we nearly wet ourselves laughing!

Still the casting of Leonard Rossiter from ''Rising Damp' as the ''mad scientist' was a master stroke which just about saved the movie thus propelling it to the lofty heights of other ''Oscar Worthy' horror movie classics such as ''Zom-Beaver''!!!

PS: Can I please have the last hour and 45 minutes of my life back!??!
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