The Starling (2021)
"I just need a minute to figure out what happens next."
3 November 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Netflix has this film listed under their Comedy titles, but that's not even remotely close to accurate. There are some humorous moments, but mostly it's a poignant and heart rending story of a couple who lose their infant child to SIDS, and the recrimination each of the partners feel in terms of guilt and remorse. Jack Maynard (Chris O'Dowd) goes so far as to attempt suicide, while his wife Lilly (Melissa McCarthy) is left behind to pick up the pieces of her shattered life when he enters a treatment facility. Slowly but gradually, both begin to heal under the patient guidance of their respective counselors, but with the expected challenges one would encounter under such trying circumstances. I thought the aspect of the starling to be somewhat odd with it's inclusion in the story, though it serves as a focal point for Lilly's desire to face life head on again, especially after the guilt brought on by trying to intentionally kill it for invading her garden and dive bombing her presence. Kevin Kline delivers a surprisingly humanistic turn as the former psychologist turned veterinarian who helps Lilly move forward. After seeing Timothy Olyphant in series like "Justified" and "Deadwood", he seemed strangely out of place here as the manager of a Wally's department store, but thankfully, his appearance was more like a pair of cameos. Forget about the film's questionable comedy designation, and prepare for an emotional and thoughtful journey of a couple finding their way back to each other from a grief we would all find unbearable.
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