How did this 'gem ' make it on to Netflix?
9 November 2021
This film was laughable ! It's like the director got a bunch of unemployed men and women and offered then a role in this film for £50 each ( no acting experience necessary ) . The director, producer, camera man , make up artist , voice coach, costumes etc were probably the same person but with different names on the credits . He probably came across his grandad's old camera from the attic and decided to make a film . And He probably shot the film in one of those reenactment sites , where people reenact certain eras and wars for a hobby,( So he didn't have to pay anything for a proper set ! )

, The Werewolves appeared towards the end of the film . Their Werewolf 'make up '.consisted of a mask that looked like it was from the pound shop . The Werewolves ( bless them ) did nothing except growl a little bit ! Lol!

Guess , it's possible to make a garbage film for approximately £1000 and have it shown on Netflix !
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