True to life example
4 December 2021
Live beyond ones' means is deadly. Be married lose job, get sick or both you have 90% chance wife leaving you directly because of that. Chance of getting back together are nilly! You lost respect. Another more capable man wil take over. Or you will lose all you had to wife and stuck in a studio to rebuild; however there are many reasons to lose by no error of own. If it is your fault by bad luck or bad choices the affect is the same. Detrimental to one's mental health and recovery to win.

Not to bumb you out. Keep you relationships proper, non toxic, ditch toxic anybody. Plus build savings, wealth, pinch. Put money away.

You and wife survival, kids wants are last, love will outlast toys, allowance, and any entitlement. I'm 57 with nobody and no money.

Can't wait for the nap. Its misery and double hard to get out of the basement. Good luck to you.

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