Christmas Again (2021 TV Movie)
Rough start but a nice turn-around
25 December 2021
I'm going to be playing major devils advocate here, so if you don't like that, you can back off and keep scrolling. My mom wanted to watch this because she heard about it from teachers and students since we both work in education. It was just the two of us and I wanted to make her happy. At first, I was thinking I was going to hate this, people are trying to make out the main character as bratty, but not only does her family practically suck, but she gets blamed just for expressing her frustration. When it started going on a loop I was like, dear lord, is this how it's going to go. The black Santa and everyone reviewing this say she needs to change for her family, but here's the problem with that theory, she's a frickin tween. Kids aren't supposed to change for their families especially not after divorce, family is supposed to help them with managing their lives, emotions, and puberty, but bad luck seems to be magnetized to her. However, I was pleasantly surprised to see that it took a twist for her to keep making her interactions better and for her to accomplish everything on her list, later, without spoiling everything, she starts to feel lonely. Thais stands out to me because I'm a huge introvert but I also occasionally want some family and fun Christmas time. Once the film took its time, we got to see different sides of the characters, and it became less frustrating. Also, the gay uncle thing wada welcome progression, but it didn't affect me or the plot in the slightest. It's hard to say if I would recommend or not because I'm not the best audience for it and even though I'm glad I saw it, I probably won't watch it again, with my lol agreeing with me. Overall, if you have a lot of patience and want to see a pleasant turn out, you'll get what you want; and I don't think it will do kids any harm. But everyone else I think needs to keep scrolling through the Disney holiday catalog.
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