Dexter: New Blood: The Family Business (2022)
Season 1, Episode 9
Brilliant episode, best by far and an epic culmination to the season setting up for a very interesting finale.
2 January 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Last episode was very worrying. Thankfully this episode was a massive improvement and quenched my fears. While New Blood has been mostly great, there's been areas of sloppy writing. Some are noticeable and weaken the show a bit, none of them felt like it went too far, until last episode, which easily the weakest and sloppiest by far. Before I get to the new episode I do want to vent my frustrations on the last.

Dexter is kidnapped, isn't restrained in any way, is left with a tool he uses to remove a ziptie, and when the car crashes he conveniently flies through the window of the car unharmed so he can run away?! What... Then Dexter gets shot in the leg by a rifle and just walks it off?! Stupidest hit man, and invincible Dexter.

Dexter, injured, somehow losses the hitman and finds some cabin, where the hitman eventually arrived and he kills. Dexter literally left a trail of his own blood to a murder scene... that entire place is filled with insane amounts of evidence against Dexter. Dude is caught! It's over, pack it up. Also did he do with the body?

Meanwhile, the Kurt and Harrison scenes that were pretty good but it also had that egregiously cliche baseball scene with flashback transitions and sound effects haha, it was unintentionally funny for me. Plus, why is Kurt doing all of this with him? More chances of him being spotted with the kid who's about to disappear. Why do all this to kill him? And of course Dexter gets there with perfect timing just like a hero. Let's let Kurt get away too, so we can extend the plot! Oh and that wasn't even the worst part.

Don't get me started on the flimsy connections Angela makes. That was so goofy. And it all culminates with a google search?! And one that is wrong, Dexter used M99, not ketamine, which was never a Ben proven. Giant plot hole. Angela is the only competent cop in the entire town, she finds all of this out on her own. What about these small details given in the moment they're found and only now Angela puts it together?

Last episode was just sloppy and silly. I did still like it though, it was a more exciting episode, the Kurt and Harrison dinner scene was great, and I do like how Angela is finally discovering Dex, another Dex kill is cool, and Dex finally being honest with Harrison, but I digress! This is a review for the new episode, sorry I had to get that off my chest. This was the best episode and a massive improvement.

Harrison and Dexter finally being (more) honest with each other was great. Michael C Hall is always excellent but I'm very surprised by Harrison's actor who totally holds his own. I love seeing a flashback to old Dexter with that creepy clown. I really like the semi-4th wall breaks as he tells the story to Harrison, while ghost Deb debates with Dexter what exactly to tell him. I'm a bit annoyed he held off the fact that he kills, but we're finally moving forward, and seemingly in the endgame. This episode was also more reasonable with the issues from the last, we see Dexter did actually take the hit man's body, and Angela looking at more evidence to connect Dexter and the Bay Harbor Butcher. Still feels too flimsy but it's a bit better.

I am also glad this episode is much longer, almost being an hour long, compared to some of the last episodes which were only a little over 40 minutes long. It's finally nice to see Harrison and Dexter bond, while Harrison has totally valid reasons for how he acts, it was getting a little annoying with his angst. I do not love most of the high school drama, especially Audrey, but it's not as weak as it could be, and everything else with Harrison is great. This episode was also surprisingly funny, not only with the semi-4th wall breaks but also with the Dexter and Harrison scenes like the ugly Christmas sweaters. The Christmas vibe was cool, and then when Kurt finally comes the tension kept building up.

The cinematography is really great, there were many striking visuals, like the blood moon, burning house, etc. That's easily what New Blood has done better than the first 8 seasons. Dexter and Harrison going out to get Kurt is so tense and exciting. The conversation of Harrison and Dexter with the drone getting closer to revealing their true feelings about their killer instinct was so well acted and tense. Then Dexter losing it with ghost Deb, it was just exciting. However, this episode wasn't without its flaws. Why did Dexter leave his house's lights on, and Kurt thinks pouring gasoline all over the house wouldn't have been noticed by them inside? Wouldn't Kurt do this being sure they're there? And of course luckily Dexter and Harrison were gone. I don't know, while a cool scene, it didn't really make sense. I love Clancy Brown's acting though! Especially when he finds out that Dexter is in his trophy room. His rage is always funny, but menacing. Though Dexter could've just broke or covered the camera! But whatever.

The last third of the episode was amazing. Dexter and Harrison discovering Kurt's horribly creepy trophies, as the tension rose up with Kurt chasing after them, and the reveal that Molly had already been killed. So great! Dexter finally admitting he's a killer to Harrison, and Harrison being okay with it. Man it was so cathartic I got chills. And then Dexter and Harrison finally getting Kurt. The last scene was great, I loved Tom Clancy as Kurt, definitely one of the better villains of the show, I would've wished we got more with him though. His justification was so insane, especially with Dexter countering it, and even relating to him. But man, Kurt revealing the flimsy nature of Dexter's code infront of Harrison and him started to question it, if just a little, absolutely brilliant. I always thought they needed to make this clear, Dexter is evil. Kurt's killing and the blood triggering Harrison was so good.

This was just the culmination of the season up until this point. Definitely the best episode. Everything was at its peak, especially the performances. I only wish Kurt didn't get killed so easily. Kurt leaving the parting gift of evidence his son was killed by Dexter leaves Angela is left in a very tough spot. The finale is going to be so interesting. If this is really the end I hope it isn't Angela who stops him, but maybe he'll be exposed and it'll set up for a final season. That's my hope because I don't want a rushed finale, I can't really see a way they end this off satisfyingly, though at least this season is better than the worst ones. This episode definitely left me satisfied and hungry for the next episode after I've felt a little apprehensive here and there. Let's see what happens, at least a better finale than the last one, and hopefully a good one. Or maybe another season?! I don't want them to milk it but I would love a manhunt season. Overall simply an amazing episode.
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