Maybe the Worst Film I've Seen All Pandemic
26 January 2022
The Good: It has to get a 1 in order for me to review it, as per IMDB's rules.

The Bad: Pretty much everything. This has to be one of the most visually unappealing films I've ever seen. Its horrendous lighting and sets make Lifetime movies look like Scorsese films. There's a scene where the protagonist is driving off in a car and it's close up on her face for the ENTIRE SCENE. It's possibly the worst way to shoot this kind of scene and a microcosm of the visual choices made during this thing.

This isn't helped by the terrible actors who populate basically every frame of this thing. I didn't know it was possible to get bad performances out of absolutely everyone, but damn. The combination of these factors makes this film quite hard to watch sober.

TRT is the worst is that it's a generic "working class girl meets foreign royalty fantasy" rom-com, but just worse in every facet. The girl isn't just an every girl. She's a walking Italian-American stereotype with one of the most bizarre accents you ever hear, who is about as Saintly as Mother Theresa. She's so unrealistic it's irritating. And the actresses' performance is truly terrible; it's hard to tell where she's supposed to be from and it's very distracting.

The wacky best friends are cackling weirdos who are easily the worst people in the entire movie, with again, bizarre accents. Mena Massoud should really be embarrassed to be in this thing. Oh and that French woman. My God. I wouldn't be surprised if the French government banned this film.

The movie's location, Livonia, is one of the most baffling fictional countries put to film, and indicative of this movie's laziness. It sounds like an Eastern European country, that apparently "was a trade route to India", and as such, has an impossibly diverse population. People of all races live in the typically anachronistic feudal microstate, they all speak English, but all have different accents. If you haven't clued in by now, to say this film is stuffed with terrible accents and performances would be an understatement.

This is all before I get to the plot. I don't want to go on for too much longer, so suffice to say, it's clichéd.

The Ugly: Take a look at this movie. Then take a look at almost any other rom com (except maybe The Wrong Missy). And keep looking.
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