Lumumba (2000)
Wash, Rinse, Repeat
4 February 2022
I knew the name Patrice Lumumba before this film, but that's all I knew.

Patrice Lumumba (played by Eriq Ebouaney) was a Congolese man who wanted Congolese unity and Congolese independence. He rose to the position of prime minister and never stopped calling out the Belgian occupiers for their racism and their oppression.

"Lumumba" is a satisfactory film on the eponymous man. It moved a bit fast for my tastes. I would prefer it had been a half an hour longer just so we could really grasp who was who and what the full breadth of the conflict was about. The subtitles even moved too fast.

I still got the gist of the movie and it was an all too familiar routine. European occupation, replace African mores with European customs, establish certain Africans in positions of authority (still below their white benefactors), then bloodshed. It's saddening, it's sickening, and the effects of European occupation are still being felt throughout the world.
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