Good on Paper (2021)
May not be the breakthrough film to catapult Shlesinger's career, but not the embarrassing rom-com it could have been
15 February 2022
Expectations can severely alter your perception. Over hyping something can easily put it on a pedestal which will inevitably result in disappointment. But the opposite can be true as well. At first glance, Good on Paper looks like such painful, straight to Netflix rom-com trash that I had been dreading throwing it on. But I'm a fan of Iliza Shlesinger's stand-up work, and was curious to see her film debut. I kept waiting all movie for it to take a sharp turn towards shmaltzy sentimentality, but as it became clear that it wasn't going down that road, it had me rooting in it's corner! By the same token, if I was expecting knee slapping hilarity, it may have been a bit of a let down, as it doesn't really succeed at bringing the frantic energy of Iliza's live shows to the big screen. What you get is a rather amusing story which basically did happen to the comedian in real life, and a light easy watch that doesn't get bogged down by tired genre clichés.
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